Baby Eczema: Treatment & Care for Baby's Gentle Skin

Both of my boys suffered from baby eczema. When my older son was little there weren't that many options.  But now, with my new baby boy, I realized there were so many products on the market that claim to treat baby eczema. I found myself confused and trying multiple products that wound up irritating his skin even more.

These three products are my favorite! Tried and Tested!! 

I found that they treated and healed his sensitive skin. 

1. Triple Cream- This cream helps heal the irritated skin with healing and soothing ingredients. I still use this every night on Brent after his bath.

2. Aveeno Baby - Oatmeal Bath- I think that eczema is always worse after a bath so I tried this soothing bath soak and it really helped to calm his irritated skin. I used this every night for over two months and now Brent's skin is eczema free. *I would only use a third of the packet each night

3. Honest Detergent - A lot of skin irritants are in laundry detergents. Like strong soaps and fragrances.  So I started using this hypoallergenic detergent on all Brent's baby clothes. This helps keep the skin clear of any allergens.