Craft and Recycle all at once with these awesome Spring Crafts!

Doing something fun and crafty with the kids while we are all sitting at home is the perfect “art therapy”… But I noticed I didn’t have a ton of supplies on hand! Not to worry, I found some really great and crafty ways to use what we all have at home! Garbage!!


Spring Wreath made out of recycled egg cartons!

We have been baking and cooking up a storm over here! My older two kids made a batch of cookie dough from scratch all by themselves the other day. Which leaves me with empty packages and so today’s crafts are focused on recycling these items. We will be using egg cartons and cardboard box to make this beautiful DIY Spring Wreath!

Here is what you’ll need:

  • Glue

  • Cardboard

  • Egg Cartons

  • Scissors

  • Paper

  • Markers or Paint

First cut a circle out of cardboard the size you want your wreath to be. Then cut out the center leaving it about 2-3 inches wide.

Then cut out all your egg carton sections. Color or paint them depending on what supplies you have! Then make a few leaves to add for a final touch! Look at how beautiful this turned out!


Spring Picture Frame DIY

Next, we are making this super kid friendly DIY picture frame! I am sure the kids are drawing and coloring a lot these days as mine are so capture these creations in this picture perfect frame!

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Here is what you’ll need:

  • Cardboard

  • Ruler

  • Scissors

  • Paint

  • Markers

  • Glitter or Gems

  • Glue

Start by cutting out two squares the same size! Mine are about 6 inches by 6 inches but you can make them any size, big or small, that you want!

Then cut three 3/4 in strips of cardboard and glue the strips to the inside edges of one square. This will leave room for you to add the picture or drawing in the frame later. Then take the other square and cut the center out leaving a 2 inch frame.

Decorate the boarder as fun and creatively as you can! We used model magic to make these cute bunny shapes in time for Spring and Easter… Then used paint and glue with glitter to decorate the rest. Brinkley then drew a beautiful rainbow drawing for the frame. I love it and will cherish it forever.

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Counting and Sorting Egg Carton

While the kids are being homeschooled, mine are starting this next week, it’s important not to forget the little ones! Brent is so excited about counting and numbers so to keep him working on this and make learning fun, I make him this cute rock sorting game. Counting and colors make this fun for little learners!

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Here is what you’ll need:

  • Egg Carton

  • Paint

  • Rocks (beans or candies work too! Use what you have!)

Paint the egg carton and assign each area a number. Then paint the number of rocks according to that number. It is that easy!
