DIY Leprechaun Playdoh (with what you have in your pantry)


It’s so hard to say “Happy” anything right now… we are all feeling it. I wanted to bring joy to this day! So today Brent and I celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with this fun and easy DIY Leprechaun Playdoh. We spent time together, we connected, we created and played.


We made memories and that was the goal for today. Just say thank you to everyone around you and appreciate being together.

This recipe comes from what you have at home already.

Here is what you’ll need:

Screenshot 2020-03-16 23.52.44.png
  1. 2 Cups All purpose Flour

  2. 3/4 Cup of Salt

  3. 2 Cups of Water

  4. 2 Tablespoons Oil (Use whatever oil you have in the pantry… cocoanut, olive oil…)

  5. 4 Teaspoons of Cream of Tarter (Or cornstarch or nothing if you don’t have it!)

  6. Food Dye - As many drops as you want!

  7. Play coins or real ones if you are feeling generous

Mix the dry ingredients over low heat. Then add in the water, oil and food coloring. When the mixture starts to turn to doh, take off the heat and keep mixing.

Place in a bowl to cool! Then add the play coins for added fun! Great for sensory, discovery and counting!
