Mix Medium Valentines Day Painting

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Love in the air! Set up a fun, beautiful and unique Valentine's Day craft that you will all enjoy! Why just make something to make it? Make a masterpiece with this stunning mix medium creation. 

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I had a ton of acrylic paints in the cabinet just sitting there until I had time to use them (which is NEVER! Let's face it!) 

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Rummage through your craft bin and find some other items to add texture. We used heart shaped glitter, regular glitter and I picked up a jar of glass bead and crackle paste so when it drys the artwork has dimension. I supplied candies, stickers, rose petals and as many things I could find to aid in the creative process. 

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You can also try pieces of tin foil, tissue paper or even actual sand to mix into the paint. Be creative! There is no right or wrong, just have fun and inspire your kids to try out other ways to create art. 

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Here is what you'll need:

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  • Paint (try something out of the norm like acrylic paints or water colors or BOTH!)
  • Canvas
  • Palatte 
  • Paint Brushes
  • Mix Medium Supplies
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