Take Your Moment, with Joy Bites


I scream, you scream, we all scream for Me-Time!! You hear me, right Moms?!

The summer is winding down here, the kids are heading back to school soon (wahoo!) But, with having to get the kids new backpacks, clothes, the millions of school supplies on the list, not to mention the dreaded end of summer hair cuts, it’s leaving us parents with little time to ourselves, yet again!


The end of the summer is supposed to be a relaxing time but for most of us, reality is, that it can be the most chaotic time of the year. Well, excluding the holiday season which, I hate even mention, is 17 weeks away; eak! Sometimes it’s all about just taking a moment (yes, even if its just spending a few extra minutes in the car after running errands) and really doing something for yourself.


Well, this product is for you! Joy-bites, by Russel Stover, has recently launched and they are more delicious that you could even imagine… with Sea Salt Caramel, Roasted Almond, Caramel, Chocolate and Peanut Butter. There is something for everyone. Especially for ALL of you chocolate-craving-late night-snacking moms (and dads too of course!) This one is for you!


Say Hello to Joy Bites...and So Long to Added Sugar! Joy Bites say NO to: Added Sugars, Added Colors, Artificial Sweeteners, Artificial Preservatives, YES to joyful flavor! And Joy Bites uses Sustainable Practices like fairtrade cocoa and vanilla, 100% Recyclable Packaging, earth friendly packaging / eco-friendly packaging, FSC Certified Sleeve, Keto-friendly.


A few more things I love about Joy Bites, this delicious chocolate is made with plant-based stevia extract, no artificial flavors or preservatives!

So do everyone a favor and just take your moment… Guilt not included; we all know you deserve it.