Running With The Baby

I really love to run and the last few weeks have been good for me. I've been running a few times a week with the baby in the stroller. I normally drop the big kids off at school around 8:20 and am on the running path by 8:30. I can squeeze in about a mile before the baby starts getting restless. 

I have been thinking about joining the local bootcamp class but I haven't yet. I think I'll stick to the ease of "my" schedule and doing it when I have the energy/time. 

Making the time to run in the mornings has been good for my mental health also. I really do believe it helps calm the body and release negative energy. 

BTW I don't have a running stroller and have just been using my Bugaboo. It seems to do the job just fine and I don't think its necessary for small (1-3 mile runs) to invest in a running stroller. However, if you are putting in the miles with the little ones you should probably use something more suitable for running longer distances.

What motivates you? Leave your thoughts/comments below!

5 Minutes for 5 Days - Give it to Me!

I really don't have time to work out like I would like to. Yea, I do like to work out. Maybe I'm crazy but don't blame me. I got it from my dad... he still is doing triathlons and always said running (very long distances) relaxed him. I also find peace by busting by ass in a hard core work out. Ok crazy as it might seem... But I rarely find time to even get to the gym. Let alone do a class or bootcamp. So I've figured out how to squeeze in workouts like this quick 5 minute sequence. I have been doing this every day because I'm going to be sitting on the beach in less than a week. And I really think its by far the quickest and easiest core workout around. And even with three kids... I can find 5 min! Well I may do this while I'm watching the baby. But he likes watching mommy do funny dances! 

PS Don't look at the clock. This may take you 7 minutes. But do it at your own pace and make the most of this time.

1. 20 Reverse Bicycle Crunches (same as bicycle crunches but legs go under and up!) These really work your lower abs!

2. 20 Squats with High Kicks - Alternate legs *note- focus on your core while you kick. These work your abs!! 

3. 20 Reverse Bicycle Crunches - AGAIN

4. 20 Squats with High Kicks - AGAIN

5. Hold plank for 1 min - If you have it in you and you have the time!

Come on ladies! You can do it!