Suburban Jungle - The Pro's and Con's to Moving to the Suburbs

Living in the city with kids is not easy and many people consider moving to the suburbs at some point or another. I know so many people who, over the years, have debated this very thing. Many people have moved and many have stayed. Some even have moved to the suburbs and moved back to the city. It depend on so many things; space, commute, money. Well, if you are considering this big step or know someone who is, then this is a must read! 

Alison Bernstein is the founder of the The Suburban Jungle Realty, a real estate firm exclusively focused on buyers leaving the city for the suburbs. Recognizing how different neighboring towns can be from one another and how little families learn about a community during the home search, Alison launched Suburban Jungle, helping buyers navigate suburbia, and understand the ins and outs of towns before making their decision. She had personally experienced these challenges while undertaking her own suburban search, and strived to bring that unique expertise to Suburban Jungle families.

I was lucky enough to get the scoop from her team! They have broken down the Pro's and Con's and have covered everything you've been debating over for years. And if you do make the move, they can help you make the transition much easier.

Every year, tons of city families decide to make the leap from urban to suburban—and it’s hard to blame them. City living isn’t without its challenges, from a super premium on space to the crazy hustle and bustle to the stiff competition for everything from A+ schools to sought-after neighborhoods. When things get hectic, life in the ‘burbs starts to look pretty good—a big backyard, big closets and plenty of room for everything from storage to bike riding. What’s not to love?

If that’s where you are—teetering on the “should we stay or should we go?” line—then read on.. Our friends at Suburban Jungle have teed up some of the most common pros and cons to life in suburbia. And if you’re ready—or, even, if you’re considering taking the plunge—get in touch with the team. Their local experts are available 24/7 to help you find the right ‘burb for your family based on lifestyle and not just real estate.

PRO: Backyards You Don’t Have to Share

Central Park is amazing but, if you consider that your backyard, you’re basically sharing with millions of your closest friends. The alternative? Just swing open the door and send your kids outside and into their own private outdoor oasis. Sure, it’s not as sprawling as a giant city park, but it’s yours. And, best of all, snacks and bathrooms are always steps away…

PRO: School Gets Simplified

If you’re sending your kids to city schools, you’re probably going to be elbow-deep in the process before they turn three. From tours and application caps to home visits, interviews and gifted and talented tests, kids are subjected to endless pokes and prods to secure a spot at on the city’s top schools. Even public schools have anxiety-packed lottery systems that don’t take any pressure off parents—you won’t know if your kid is “in” your local school until spring and, by then, it’s too late to start searching for an alternative.

Not so in suburbia. While some of the top private schools may be a tad on the competitive side, it’s nothing compared to the city. And if you want your kid to attend the local public school, just bring proof of residency to the principal’s office and you’re in—easy as that.


It’s an obvious one, but we’d be remiss if we left space out of the equation. Not only will you have the backyard—see pro #1—but you’ll have more space for everything and anything. Twenty-person holiday dinners? No problem. Five bikes? Check and check? Ample space for movie night? No doubt. And all your clothes, shoes, bags and accessories? All hanging and at the ready—no storage unit required.

CON: The Commute

While not all suburban commutes are bad, they certainly aren’t the quick hop/skip/jump they are when you’re in the city already. To avoid the AM/PM dread if you or your spouse will still work in the city, be sure you aim for a quality commute, not just the quickest. A 45-minute straight shot with a guaranteed seat and a drop off near work is, often, better than a jam-packed 25-minute ride, that starts and stops constantly, and lets you off far from the office.


Really, what is? When you leave the city you’re leaving something special—and that deserves to be weighed if you’re considering life in suburbia. Yes, NYC will always be a train ride away, but it’s not the same as stepping out and having it all right there in front of you. That said, take comfort in the fact that lots of the city’s finest is moving out to the ‘burbs—just like you! Soul Cycle, SLT, Balducci's, Chop’t and Drybar are just a handful of the urban faves that have set up shop in suburbia. And that’s just the beginning!

For a Suburbs Strategy session, CLICK HERE to get started and figure out where your family truly fits in.